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Holy Week: Good Friday

Apr 15, 2022Blog, Theology

Nothing was “good” about the day of Jesus’ death. Mark 15:33 describes the scene: “at noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.” After hours of being beaten, mocked and tortured, Jesus cried out “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani,” or “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:33). Moments later He would breathe His last breath. 

As a disciple, you have to be wondering if this is actually how it was all supposed to go down. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Son of God, lost His heartbeat. What now? 

In 2022, we have the privilege of knowing the end of the story, but the disciples were riding on faith alone. 

Good Friday is only good because of what is to come. Just like the labor pains that must be endured before the gift of childbirth, Jesus first had to fulfill the prophecies of His death. 

Death always precedes resurrection. 

But the inbetween requires faith. Like the disciples, we too have to die to who we want Jesus to be in order to embrace who He actually is. 

As we approach the conclusion of our 40 day study and make our way towards Easter, ask God if there’s anything you need to let die. Maybe it’s false beliefs about God or even yourself. Maybe it’s a bad habit or a toxic relationship. Or maybe it’s just a dream unachieved. 

Giving Himself over to sin and death on our behalf took unrivaled humility, incomparable selflessness and exceptional faith in His Father. Jesus counted us worth what it cost Him. That’s love. That’s what makes Friday good