
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
615-298-4422 | [email protected]
© 2021 Cross Point Church | All Rights Reserved

Tune in LIVE at our Nashville Campus
(AVAILABLE SUNDAYS AT 9:00 AM + 11:00 AM + 5:30 PM CST)

Everyone’s Welcome at Cross Point, because Nobody’s Perfect, but we really believe that with Jesus, Anything’s Possible!

LATEST Message





















2023 in review









New To Cross Point?

We are a church where Everyone’s Welcome, Nobody’s Perfect and with Jesus, Anything’s Possible. We are glad you’re here and we offer several ways to support you as you find and follow Jesus.


At Cross Point we believe in the power of prayer. Prayer isn’t the only thing we do, but it is the FIRST thing we do. Each Cross Point campus has a regular prayer meeting and you can post your prayer requests anytime online on our Prayer Wall.

Share Your Story

It’s in our stories we find the evidence of a God who sees us, offers His love and continuously writes hope into our lives. Don’t hesitate to share, we believe that everyone has a story to tell.

Next Steps

If you made a decision to follow Jesus for the first time (or the first time in a long time) we’d love to know! Click here to connect with a pastor, find out more information or discuss baptism.

Connecting At Cross Point

A once-a-month opportunity where you can meet our staff, learn more about the mission of Cross Point and take a next step to get more involved here.


We believe God provides all we have. We give back to God as a reflection of our worship and to play our part in the mission of helping people find and follow Jesus.