
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
615-298-4422 | [email protected]
© 2021 Cross Point Church | All Rights Reserved


If you have spent any time around Cross Point you have heard us talk about the need to GO and LOVE when it comes to Global Good. Our mission here is to help people find and follow Jesus, and that doesn’t stop in Middle Tennessee or even the U.S. We have long-term relationships with key partners all around the world in countries like Mexico.

Our partnership with the Aloe Family in Mexico began in 2022. The Aloe Family focuses on empowering people in Mexico toward a better life by breaking the cycle of poverty. San Luis is a border town just across the U.S. border from Yuma, Arizona. You can imagine the difficulty of living in a border town. For many Mexicans and other migrants, America is the land of opportunity for them and their families. But, it’s difficult to gain legal entry into the United States, so some show up at a port of entry to claim asylum, some go through the long and difficult legal process, and some cross illegally. Our heart is for those that remain in San Luis, whether through choice or necessity, to help them along in their development process to become all that God has created them to be.

Pray for Mexico

Our work in Mexico is multi-faceted, so you can pray for Mexico in the following ways:

  • Pray for those fleeing violence in places throughout the world that end up in San Luis, that God provides them a safe place to live.
  • Pray for the entrepreneurs, that they are able to provide for their families through business.
  • Pray for the leaders of the church, that they will continue to equip their church bodies to reach the community for the Gospel.


    Use this link to give directly to our Global Partner. You can be confident your donations go directly to the work in this community.


    What you need to know before signing up for a Mexico trip.