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Unlocking the Secret of Christmas: An Advent Devotional

This devotional explores four key themes that invite readers to pause, reflect and re-center during a season often filled with distractions. The readings from this devotional lead to an understanding of lasting contentment and rediscovering the joy and gratitude that Christmas brings. 

Our team has designed this content to be a multi-sensory experience to be engaged with slowly. When multiple senses are engaged, learning and memory retrieval improve significantly. Our hope is that your engaged senses will help you be present to the moment and your awareness of God and His presence will heighten as you unlock the secret of Christmas. 

Buy yours in lobbies at all Cross Point campuses on November 24 and December 1:

COST: $10
Includes a Christmas-scented candle from our friends at Rekindle Candle Co (while supplies last)


Digital-Only Version

COST: $5
If you are unable to buy a physical copy in person, you can purchase the full digital PDF version (without the candle). At half the price of the physical copy, this downloadable PDF version ensures affordability while allowing readers to access it from anywhere in the world!
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