Cross Point Blog
Everyday theology and useful resources; relevant to our church, our city and current culture.
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A Closer Look at Human Trafficking
Today – July 30th, is The World Day against Trafficking in Persons. This day is meant to raise awareness about the situation of human trafficking victims and meant to promote and protect the rights of trafficking victims.

Welcome Others: Practicing Hospitality In The Digital Space
At its core, social media is an extension of the real world and has the ability to affect the real world in both good and vile ways. It’s a place where relationships are built and broken and where people are celebrated and canceled. Therefore, there is a need to practice biblical hospitality within the metaphorical walls of social media.

Housing Justice
To live in Nashville is to understand the rising cost of housing. Long-time residents of Nashville are being displaced through a process called gentrification where the homes or apartments they rent are sold for the purpose of redevelopment, or they can no longer afford to remain in the homes they own due to rising property taxes. These residents lose their homes but also their communities and often their sense of belonging.

Reflection On Justice
As we’ve been reflecting on justice the last few weeks, here are some of the more profound quotes we’ve come across. Take them in and let them go to work. Shalom.

Surrender: The Way to True Provision
There I lay, face down on the couch telling God that I quit, I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t figure it out, telling Him “I give up.” Literally, in that moment, the moment after I told Him “I give up,” I heard the still, small whisper of a voice lovingly say, “Good, now get up.” So I did. What I didn’t know is that God had already figured it out and answered the prayer I couldn’t. He had kept His promise to me, I just hadn’t seen it with my eyes yet.

My Freedom Day
If you’re a Christ follower, you likely remember the day that you made the decision to follow and give your life to God. That memory for me is a magical one. A skinny little ten-year-old girl held her best friends’ hand, walked down the center aisle at a tent revival in a small country town on a hot summer night, and asked Jesus into her heart. Magical, right? Insert record scratch here. Although I am grateful for the sweet moment when I gave my life to Him, my true freedom (in Christ) day was more than thirty years later.

Spirit-fermented, Kingdom-culture
“I will not dishonor
my soul with hatred,
but offer myself humbly
as a guardian of nature,
as a healer of misery,
as a messenger of wonder,
as an architect of peace.
I will honor all life
—wherever and in whatever form
it may dwell—on Earth my home,
and in the mansions of the stars.”
~Diane Ackerman