
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
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Holy Week: Holy Monday

Holy Week: Holy Monday

Holy Week: Holy Monday Jesus’ first “act” after entering Jerusalem happens the day after His arrival and He comes in with a bang. At this point in the story, Jesus has a significant following. For the three years leading up to this moment He has been laying a...
Holy Week: Palm Sunday

Holy Week: Palm Sunday

Holy Week: Palm Sunday Holy Week. The seven days between Jesus’ arrival to Jerusalem and His resurrection. Seven significant days.  For centuries, Church tradition has held celebrations and ceremonies for all parts of Holy Week including Palm Sunday, Maundy...


Generosity “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:24 As you read the words of Jesus, you find that there is a...
Dad, Easy and the Blessing of Zion

Dad, Easy and the Blessing of Zion

Dad, Easy and the Blessing of Zion During the last decade of my father’s life, his most favorite thing in the world was when all of our family was under one roof. There was a particular joy he experienced hearing the laughter, recounting stories and sharing meals...
Beauty Amongst Poverty

Beauty Amongst Poverty

Beauty Amongst Poverty It’s not always the easiest to see, But when you look, it becomes clear That beauty lives amongst dirty air. There’s faces that smile,  Some young and some old, Both without teeth, Yet strong and bold. The littles come running and reach for...
Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual Disciplines I’ve got a set of poster-sized frames hanging on a wall in my house. One says, “breathe in,” and the other, “breathe out.” I found the posters on Etsy a few years ago and was determined to find a place they’d fit. In a life that seems to be...