
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
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The Endless Pursuit of Satisfaction: Part 2

The Endless Pursuit of Satisfaction: Part 2

The Endless Pursuit of Satisfaction: Part 2 Do you ever have the thought “If only I could _________ then I’d be content”? “If only I could be ten pounds lighter, afford to live in that neighborhood, get married, land that gig,” etc. For me, it’s been weight. If...
Trying To Be Somebody: Part 1

Trying To Be Somebody: Part 1

Trying To Be Somebody: Part 1 Nashville. Music City. A city where the ambitious come to see their childhood dreams come to fruition. There is something in the air in our city, there’s a buzz about it. It’s the sound of aspiring musicians playing at a writer’s round or...