Welcome Others: Take A Chance on Someone New Freshman year of college is so bizarre. You are expected to meet as many people as you can in a short amount of time and then expected to choose who you will be friends with. For most people, college is the first time we...
Welcome Others: The Responsibility of Sons and Daughters We all have positions that we hold. In fact, most, if not all of us, are managing multiple positions, sometimes at the same time. You may have a position at work as a boss or employee, or both. You may have a...
Welcome Others: Seeing People As Sons and Daughters Can you remember a time you felt important? Not just a day that you were celebrated; like a birthday. I mean can you remember a time when there was nothing special going on, but you were still made to feel...
Welcome Others: So You’re New to Nashville? Hospitality in your city… but what if it doesn’t feel like your city? I just moved out to Nashville from California. I have cities that feel like mine — San Jose, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Los Gatos....
Welcome Others: Doing Business Christianly I remember being on a trip in 2010 where leaders from different denominations got together around the idea of worldview. We were all reading some of the same books, found out about it, and were like, “huh, we should all get...
How to Disagree Well Unpopular Opinion: disagreeing well with someone can transform our hearts. It may seem foreign, especially in today’s world, that disagreeing well with someone could actually benefit us and bring honor to God. How do...