
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
615-298-4422 | [email protected]
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Intentional Remembering

Intentional Remembering

Intentional Remembering The Nashville Predators do a really cool thing at their home games. At some point during a commercial break, in the second period, they do what’s called the Military Salute. The Lee Greenwood music starts up, the entire arena stands to their...
I Need to Know There is Justice

I Need to Know There is Justice

I Need to Know There is Justice Music is one of the few experiences we have in this life that is truly magical. By some miracle, a collection of words and sounds can be combined to utterly transform our mood, our thinking, and overwhelm our soul with emotion. At...
Judas, Jesus and Cancel Culture

Judas, Jesus and Cancel Culture

Judas, Jesus and Cancel Culture One of these things is not like the others. Judas is a betrayer. Cancel Culture is rooted in unforgiveness. And both are antithetical to the way of Jesus.  Jesus is the definition and literal embodiment of forgiveness. He didn’t...
Injustice In The Heart

Injustice In The Heart

Injustice In The Heart Culture is moving fast. Like, a Tesla on an open road kind of fast. Like a mega-rich CEO on his personal rocket kind of fast. Have you noticed? Now, in what seems like the blink of an eye, we are confronted with an everflowing stream of...
Housing Justice

Housing Justice

Housing Justice To live in Nashville is to understand the rising cost of housing. Long-time residents of Nashville are being displaced through a process called gentrification where the homes or apartments they rent are sold for the purpose of redevelopment, or they...
Reflection On Justice

Reflection On Justice

Reflection On Justice Throughout history, people have written scores of books and given innumerable speeches on virtually every topic under the sun. And seemingly in every culture in every era, there have been prophetic thought leaders that have been able to put their...