
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
615-298-4422 | [email protected]
© 2021 Cross Point Church | All Rights Reserved


Easter services are over until next year, but we continue to celebrate the life and resurrection of Jesus!



On Easter Sunday I decided to pull up Cross Point Online; I recognized the joy, I recognized the peace I saw. So I started chatting, and they told me “you’re never too far gone.” Now I catch myself being happier and all my shame, my guilt and my condemnation is gone.


My sister messaged, and suggested I go to church. I was so far away from God that I didn’t think that was a possibility but I decided to go to Cross Point and kept going every Sunday! I’ve thrown my life into it – God’s been speaking to me, cleansed me and helped me start a new life.


A friend told me that I could join her group at Cross Point. It took me a little while to feel comfortable, but it’s been awesome to see that we’re all going through the same struggles and battles. We’re all in this together, with the same purpose- that bond cannot be replicated.

Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in his name.