If you have spent any time around Cross Point you have heard us talk about the need to GO and LOVE when it comes to Global Good. Our mission here is to help people find and follow Jesus, and that doesn’t stop in Middle Tennessee or even the U.S. We have long-term relationships with key partners all around the world in countries like Cambodia.
In 2019, we began a partnership with World Relief Cambodia, joining in their mission to reach the unreached and serve the most vulnerable. Since then, we’ve expanded into a new region called Mondulkiri, a state that is almost completely unreached and experiences extreme poverty. The work started by forming Church Empowerment Zones which help unite the church and mobilize them to reach their communities, as well as forming child protection programs. We hope to see the Gospel permeate communities in Cambodia through this outreach.

Pray for Cambodia
Cambodia is still feeling the effects of the Communist genocide that took place in the 1970s. There is also a massive child sex-trafficking problem. Here are some ways you can pray for Cambodia:
- Pray for continued healing of the nation and for justice to be brought to those exploiting children.
- Pray for the persecuted believers in Cambodia. As a largely Buddhist country, being a Christian means that they are often exiled from their community.
- Above all, pray for the 95% unreached country to turn to God.
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What you need to know before signing up for a Cambodia trip.