
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
615-298-4422 | [email protected]
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Ever wish you could know how your story could end? Do you find yourself gripped by fear, unable to face what’s to come? If your anxiety about your circumstances feels overwhelming – you’re not alone. Throughout the Bible we read story after story of God’s people facing huge, daunting challenges – but somehow finding the strength to do what is asked of them. How can we learn to harness some of that faith, to fight the fear that grips us?

It’s a time of year when lots of us are considering new ventures and new routines. As we take these steps, we’re going to need to be brave and resolute. And through this series, we’ll learn that the Bible has a lot to say on this subject; we’ll unpack the truth that Jesus himself encourages us to Take Courage.