
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
615-298-4422 | [email protected]
© 2021 Cross Point Church | All Rights Reserved

A generosity initiative

MARKED is a two-year generosity initiative to help us raise $20 million, over and above our current giving, to Raise Up the next generation, Reach Out to our neighbors and Dig In to serve the needs of those around us.

We are praying for renewal in the church, revival in the city and awakening across Middle Tennessee. That’s our legacy vision that is worth giving our lives to, whether we see it to completion in our lifetimes or not.

There are three stars on the Tennessee state flag that represent Middle, East and West Tennessee – as a church, we are called to reach one of those stars on that flag with the Gospel.

We believe we are called to reach Middle Tennessee for Christ, specifically the ten counties surrounding our state capital in Nashville. The ten counties of Middle Tennessee represent a population of 1.9 million people.

How are we going to accomplish this vision? 


Investing in the next generation to ensure a bright and faith-filled future. We believe in empowering our youth with the tools and support they need to grow in their faith and become leaders in their communities.

Reach Out

Loving our community and neighbors through outreach and support. Our mission is to extend a helping hand to those around us, fostering a spirit of generosity and compassion.

For the full 30min conversation click here


Providing aid and resources to those who need it most. We are committed to addressing the immediate needs of our community by offering practical assistance and long-term support.

Share Your Story

How have you been Marked by the Gospel and Cross Point?

We believe every believer has a unique and powerful story to share. Each journey is marked by both heartache and hope, struggle and redemption, with Jesus at the center of the narrative. 

JC’s Story

JC’s story is a powerful narrative of transformation and growth, showcasing the impact of being marked through finding and following Jesus.

JC found a welcoming space at Cross Point’s Nashville campus, particularly with Cross Point Students. This community became a catalyst for his spiritual growth, taking him from a newcomer to getting baptized. His decision to be baptized was a public affirmation of his faith, marking a significant milestone in his journey.

JC’s student pastors quickly saw his potential and identified opportunities for him to develop his leadership skills. This growth culminated in him co-hosting every Christmas service at the Nashville campus.

JC’s mother had grown up in church but began attending services with him as he got more involved. Her attendance has deepened and she has recently joined the Nashville choir, further embedding the family in the church community. JC and his family have found a place to grow in faith while also serving others through their gifts and talents.

Commitment Card

If you have all of the information you need and would like to make a Marked giving commitment, fill out our digital commitment card.



Perhaps the simplest way to give is through our online giving platform. Please ensure you select “MARKED” from the dropdown menu of options.


If you’d like to give in-person, please use an envelope in service for cash or check and write “Marked” in the relevant section. Drop in the bucket that is passed during service, or at the giving kiosk in the lobby.


To give through text message, you can simply text* “MARKED” to 615615

*You can unsubscribe from this list at any time by texting OPT OUT to 615615. Or text STOP to be removed from receiving ALL messages from Cross Point. If you need help, text the word HELP to 615615 or email [email protected]. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary.

Marked booklet

Still have questions?
Download our Marked Booklet for a detailed description of everything Marked entails.
This booklet includes a seven-day devotional we encourage you to go through as you prepare your heart and mind for this season at Cross Point.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the campaign called Marked?

Stories are powerful. Revelation 12:11 says, “We will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.” The Hebrew word for testimony literally means do it again. When you share your story, you’re telling God, do it again. When other people hear your story, they think, if God did it for you, He can do it again for them. Your story is powerful and the story of Cross Point Church is powerful too. We want to share with all of Middle Tennessee the ways we’ve all been marked by the presence and power of God.

Why now?

It’s time. By God’s grace, we have never been better positioned than we are right now. Spiritually, we’ve never been stronger in prayer. Our reach has never been broader. Our discipleship has never been deeper. We are the healthiest we’ve ever been as a staff. We are financially in the best position we’ve been in our church’s history. We are primed to grow – to raise up, reach out and dig in.

When do we expect to begin and how long will the projects take?

We want to be “shovel ready”, so as money comes in, we will begin projects. Continue to check out crosspoint.tv/marked for updates as we begin projects.

Will the renovations and upgrades affect our current ministries?

Other than minor construction inconveniences during renovations, we expect no ministries within Cross Point to be affected and no changes to anything that is currently planned.

What is the best way to give to Marked?

Please see above to learn how to get involved!

Will I be able to change my commitments if I need or want to?

Of course! Unforeseen circumstances may cause you to want to increase or decrease your giving commitment in the future. At any time during the next two years, you can review or change your commitment above or you can grab another Marked Commitment Card at one of our giving kiosks in our campus lobbies.

What if I can’t afford to give right now?

Even in times of scarcity, God wants our hearts. The widow who gave her last coin did not make a huge financial contribution, but Jesus said she gave the largest gift of all. Marked is about all of us coming together, giving generously and trusting God to do the rest. It may mean God is asking you to trust Him by making a faith commitment that you do not know how to fulfill right now. God has supplied our every need in Christ and we trust He
will honor a heart that wants to give generously in response to the Gospel. There may also be ways to be sacrificial with your lifestyle to create a margin for generosity in your life. Look for ways to involve the entire family in the process of giving generously. Use this as an opportunity to teach children and grandchildren to obey the Lord with a generous heart and to trust Him. This is a great opportunity to take a look at our overall stewardship of all that God has entrusted to us.

How are we seeking God’s direction in these efforts?

The current direction of Cross Point Church is first and foremost covered in prayer. The direction of Marked is the result of these prayers and we encourage you to pray first in all of this as well!