
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
615-298-4422 | [email protected]
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Stop This Train

Stop This Train

Stop This Train I was introduced to John Mayer in 2007 by my son. Mayer had just recently released the Continuum album and the lyrics on “Stop This Train” moved me. I was intrigued by how relatable they were. He sings about him being “scared of growing old” and...


Sabbath Sabbath. What comes to your mind when you think of that word?  Maybe you recall it as one of the ten commandments, or it sounds like some churchy gibberish that you’ve heard in passing but never quite understood. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, the...
The Path of Humility: Part 3

The Path of Humility: Part 3

The Path of Humility: Part 3 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” – Philippians 2:3 This blog post is the conclusion of a three-part series about the desire to be somebody or make ourselves known that...
The Endless Pursuit of Satisfaction: Part 2

The Endless Pursuit of Satisfaction: Part 2

The Endless Pursuit of Satisfaction: Part 2 Do you ever have the thought “If only I could _________ then I’d be content”? “If only I could be ten pounds lighter, afford to live in that neighborhood, get married, land that gig,” etc. For me, it’s been weight. If...
Trying To Be Somebody: Part 1

Trying To Be Somebody: Part 1

Trying To Be Somebody: Part 1 Nashville. Music City. A city where the ambitious come to see their childhood dreams come to fruition. There is something in the air in our city, there’s a buzz about it. It’s the sound of aspiring musicians playing at a writer’s round or...