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Cross Point Blog

Everyday theology and useful resources; relevant to our church, our city and current culture.

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Welcome Others: Loving Your Next Door Neighbor

Welcome Others: Loving Your Next Door Neighbor

One of the deepest needs we have as human beings is to feel known and loved. In God’s kindness He gives us a ‘how to’ in order to fulfill that soul need. Luke 10:27 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself.” Did you catch that word? Neighbor. It’s pretty specific.

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Holy Week: Good Friday

Holy Week: Good Friday

Nothing was “good” about the day of Jesus’ death. Mark 15:33 describes the scene: “at noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.” After hours of being beaten, mocked and tortured, Jesus cried out “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani,” or “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:33). Moments later He would breathe His last breath.

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Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

The Last Supper is likely the most famous meal there ever was. Even those who didn’t grow up in Church are familiar with the story. The name explains it all, Jesus’ last meal with His disciples.

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Holy Week: Holy Wednesday

Holy Week: Holy Wednesday

Wednesday is the day that some would label into the darkness. As we read in Mark 14, the events that take place this day are all foreshadowing the death of Jesus. They point us towards the Cross. In verses 1-11, we are confronted with two opposing actions, the woman who recognized Jesus as Lord and poured out her devotion to Him and Judas, a close friend, who betrayed Him.

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Holy Week: Holy Tuesday

Holy Week: Holy Tuesday

On this day, in the afternoon, Jesus and His disciples left the city and went to the Mount of Olives. As we read in Mark 13, this is where Jesus has an intentional conversation with His disciples that is meant to explain what will happen in the days to come.

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Holy Week: Holy Monday

Holy Week: Holy Monday

Jesus’ first “act” after entering Jerusalem happens the day after His arrival and He comes in with a bang. At this point in the story, Jesus has a significant following. For the three years leading up to this moment He has been laying a foundation for what the Kingdom of God looks like, what His Father cares about and more importantly, who His Father cares about. All the while, the teachers of the law and Pharisees are looking for an opportunity to trap Jesus, to catch Him.

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