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Cross Point Blog

Everyday theology and useful resources; relevant to our church, our city and current culture.

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Listening Matters

Listening Matters

Over the past few years, we’ve talked a lot about listening. With the rise of racial tensions in America along with varying positions within Christendom on justice, women in ministry, and to mask or not to mask, pastors all over the country have been dusting off their sermons on James to call God’s people to “be slow to speak and quick to listen” (James 1:19) in such a noisy world.

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Guiding Principles of Fatherhood

Guiding Principles of Fatherhood

It’s April 3rd when I’m writing this. 5 years ago, my earthly father passed away from this life and entered into the unhindered presence of Jesus. I was there by his side, along with my mom and siblings. It was one of the holiest moments of my life.

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Hymn Project: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Hymn Project: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

There is something significant about singing hymns at Christmas time. For a moment in time, you commune with Christians of all centuries, backgrounds, and countries to worship Jesus and celebrate His birth. In each hymn lies an origin, a story, an author (or several) that is telling of where the hymn came from and for whom it was written.

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Advent: The Weight of Waiting

Advent: The Weight of Waiting

In the 2004 Pixar film, The Incredibles, there is a scene that became meme-worthy over the years. Bob Parr (a.k.a. Mr. Incredible) comes home after a tough day at work, gets out of his car and sees a little boy on a tricycle staring at him. Bob looks at him and asks, “Well, what are YOU waiting for?” The little boy sheepishly replies, “I don’t know. Something amazing, I guess.” Beat down, Bob sighs and mumbles to himself, “Me too, kid.”

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Lament: Part 1

Lament: Part 1

One of the greatest acts of kindness one human can do for another, is to look into their eyes and listen to their story. Not the kind of listening in order to compare struggles or critique details or immediately offer “solutions” to any problems, but the kind of listening that tries to put yourself in their shoes so that what swells in your heart is empathy and a willingness to meet them where they are. Help is always better when it is informed and collaborative. 

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The Path of Humility: Part 3

The Path of Humility: Part 3

There are certain things The Bible is pretty grey about and there are other things that it could not be more clear about. Humility is the latter. The word “humble” is mentioned in scripture 56 times. That does not include the additional 29 times synonyms for “humble” such as “meek,” are mentioned. Zephaniah 2:3 commands us to “seek humility” in order to be hidden from the Lord’s anger. 1 Peter 5:5 commands us to “clothe ourselves in humility” because “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Luke 1:52 says that God “exalts those who are humble.” The list goes on. 

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The Endless Pursuit of Satisfaction: Part 2

The Endless Pursuit of Satisfaction: Part 2

Do you ever have the thought “If only I could _________ then I’d be content”? “If only I could be ten pounds lighter, afford to live in that neighborhood, get married, land that gig, etc.” For me, it’s been weight. If only I could weigh “x” pounds, THEN I’d be confident in myself, happier, content, satisfied. 

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