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Cross Point Blog

Everyday theology and useful resources; relevant to our church, our city and current culture.

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The Heart of Obedience

The Heart of Obedience

I want to highlight three ways “the obedience of faith” Paul is talking about in the letter to the Romans differs from “civil religion” so that we can gain clarity in 2022 to the radical nature of the Gospel as we consider what it means to follow Jesus in our culture today.

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The Act of Remembrance

The Act of Remembrance

My memory of September 11, 2001 is vivid. I was in third grade. My morning began as it always did and that day happened to be music class which meant we had a long trek from the third grade hallway in the back of the school to the music room at the front. I noticed my teacher looking distressed as she exchanged whispers with other teachers, talking about what they saw on the news. News traveled fast that morning.

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Welcome Others: Take A Chance on Someone New

Welcome Others: Take A Chance on Someone New

Shortly after my first year of college started, I had a group of about 15 friends that hung out together every waking minute. We were inseparable and moved as a pack. We were all very different in belief and story, yet we didn’t care. The disappointing part was that as we began to ask life’s questions and learn who we are, we let the things that made us unique separate us from the community that we had created.

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Welcome Others: The Responsibility of Sons and Daughters

Welcome Others: The Responsibility of Sons and Daughters

We all have positions that we hold. In fact, most, if not all of us, are managing multiple positions, sometimes at the same time. You may have a position at work as a boss or employee, or both. You may have a position at home as a parent. If you serve at a church, you may hold a position as a volunteer. These positions are important because with them comes responsibility, and impacts the people around you.

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Welcome Others: Seeing People As Sons and Daughters

Welcome Others: Seeing People As Sons and Daughters

Can you remember a time you felt important? It feels good doesn’t it? We all long for that feeling and feel such comfort when we experience it. We all have different aspirations, desires, plans, likes, and dislikes, but it seems that regardless of our differences, we all share a universal desire to feel and be valued.

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