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Cross Point Blog

Everyday theology and useful resources; relevant to our church, our city and current culture.

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Welcome Others: Take A Chance on Someone New

Welcome Others: Take A Chance on Someone New

Shortly after my first year of college started, I had a group of about 15 friends that hung out together every waking minute. We were inseparable and moved as a pack. We were all very different in belief and story, yet we didn’t care. The disappointing part was that as we began to ask life’s questions and learn who we are, we let the things that made us unique separate us from the community that we had created.

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Welcome Others: The Responsibility of Sons and Daughters

Welcome Others: The Responsibility of Sons and Daughters

We all have positions that we hold. In fact, most, if not all of us, are managing multiple positions, sometimes at the same time. You may have a position at work as a boss or employee, or both. You may have a position at home as a parent. If you serve at a church, you may hold a position as a volunteer. These positions are important because with them comes responsibility, and impacts the people around you.

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Welcome Others: Lead with Love

Welcome Others: Lead with Love

I’m not going to lie, hospitality is not always easy, especially when you are trying to demonstrate it to people you might not get along with. I get it, but we are not called to only show love, generosity and hospitality to our closest friends. As believers, we are called to show these things to everyone we encounter.

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A Closer Look at Human Trafficking

A Closer Look at Human Trafficking

Today – July 30th, is The World Day against Trafficking in Persons. This day is meant to raise awareness about the situation of human trafficking victims and meant to promote and protect the rights of trafficking victims.

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Welcome Others: Practicing Hospitality In The Digital Space

Welcome Others: Practicing Hospitality In The Digital Space

At its core, social media is an extension of the real world and has the ability to affect the real world in both good and vile ways. It’s a place where relationships are built and broken and where people are celebrated and canceled. Therefore, there is a need to practice biblical hospitality within the metaphorical walls of social media.

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The Freedom of Focus

The Freedom of Focus

As a kid growing up, I was constantly being reminded that there was an invisible line that I had to “watch out” for in order to not get in trouble for something. The trick was to figure out where the line was, so that I wouldn’t be in danger of accidentally crossing it. This idea carried into my faith-walk as well. My life as a Christian became about lines not to cross.

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Welcome Others: Pursuing The Heart of Those Closest to You

Welcome Others: Pursuing The Heart of Those Closest to You

As a follower of Jesus it feels like I am constantly fighting for the heart of those who are closest to me, my family. With a world of distractions, temptations and everything else, it is easy for hearts to drift and before we know it, we are in the heat of the battle fighting for the ones we love.

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