Cross Point Blog
Everyday theology and useful resources; relevant to our church, our city and current culture.
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Welcome Others: Seeing People As Sons and Daughters
Can you remember a time you felt important? It feels good doesn’t it? We all long for that feeling and feel such comfort when we experience it. We all have different aspirations, desires, plans, likes, and dislikes, but it seems that regardless of our differences, we all share a universal desire to feel and be valued.
Welcome Others: So You’re New to Nashville?
Hospitality in your city… but what if it doesn’t feel like your city?
A Table for Two
There’s a table for you that sits on the edge, in the clear.
You sit and know the seat.
Welcome Others: Loving Your Next Door Neighbor
One of the deepest needs we have as human beings is to feel known and loved. In God’s kindness He gives us a ‘how to’ in order to fulfill that soul need. Luke 10:27 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself.” Did you catch that word? Neighbor. It’s pretty specific.
Welcome Others: The Book of Romans As A Basis For Hospitality
One of the general undercurrents of the New Testament is Jew and Gentile relations, who were strangers in one another’s eyes. Which is why Romans is the first letter after the Gospels and Acts because it lays out a comprehensive understanding of why hospitality was, and is, a key ingredient in the mission of God. And it’s why Paul can look at Romans, Christians, Jew and Gentile, and say, “welcome others, as God in Christ, has welcomed you” (15:7).
Welcome Others: What is Hospitality and Why Does it Matter?
For the next few weeks on the blog we are going to be exploring the topic of Hospitality from a biblical perspective. Both globally and locally, there is a desperate need for a fresh obedience to this often neglected biblical command. Could it be that many of the ills that plague us today could be greatly muted if the people of God could hear with fresh ears Paul’s exhortation to the early Romans? He says, “Welcome others, just as God, in Christ, has welcomed you” (Romans 15:7).
The Power of a Heavenly Citizenship
This weekend, parties will be thrown, grills will be full, fireworks will be shot and fun will be had. It is good to celebrate July 4th. It is also good to do so sober mindedly, for the cultural and spiritual forces at work in our land right now are very strong, threatening to pull us apart at the very seams.