
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
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Fire & Rain

Fire & Rain

Fire & Rain It was something completely contradictory to what I had imagined. There was a group of people safe enough where I could share the weaknesses that kept me limping along for ages. Up to this point, my experiences had taught me not to trust. To let...
What is Black History Month?

What is Black History Month?

What is Black History Month? This past month has seen several celebrations regarding Black History Month. From the Super Bowl halftime show, to the events surrounding the NBA All-Star Game, to streaming platforms highlighting movies and music from Black and Brown...
A World in Turmoil

A World in Turmoil

A World in Turmoil “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various...
When People Let You Down

When People Let You Down

When People Let You Down Raise your hand if you’ve ever been hurt by someone in your life. Raise your hand if you’ve ever hurt someone in your life. If you’re like me then your hand went up twice.  You know that saying “wisdom comes with age,” I’ve never experienced...
Discovering the Spiritual Gifts: Part 2

Discovering the Spiritual Gifts: Part 2

Discovering the Spiritual Gifts: Part 2 It’s one thing to know what spiritual gifts are, but you might be wondering, why does God give them and how do I know what my gifts are? In the last post, I shared my own journey with spiritual gifts, but this post is intended...
Discovering the Spiritual Gifts: Part 1

Discovering the Spiritual Gifts: Part 1

Discovering the Spiritual Gifts: Part 1 I wonder what comes to your mind when you hear someone mention “spiritual gifts”? Maybe you grew up in a church tradition that held them in high regard.  Maybe you never talked about them in your church. Perhaps you’re wary of...