
299 Cowan St, Nashville, TN 37213
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What is Justice?

What is Justice?

What is Justice? Justice is an ever prevailing topic in every culture and in every age because sin is an ever present reality in every culture and every age. Cries for justice (whether voiced or silent) are as common as the rising and the setting of the sun. But just...
Holy Week: Saturday, Sabbath

Holy Week: Saturday, Sabbath

Holy Week: Saturday, Sabbath Sabbath. A day of rest. Holy Saturday. The gospels don’t share many details about the Saturday before Easter, in fact, Mark gives no account. We know it was Sabbath, so people were not working, in fact, most were probably trying to figure...
Holy Week: Good Friday

Holy Week: Good Friday

Holy Week: Good Friday Nothing was “good” about the day of Jesus’ death. Mark 15:33 describes the scene: “at noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.” After hours of being beaten, mocked and tortured, Jesus cried out “Eloi, Eloi, lema...
Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

Holy Week: Maundy Thursday The Last Supper is likely the most famous meal there ever was. Even those who didn’t grow up in Church are familiar with the story. The name explains it all, Jesus’ last meal with His disciples.  To understand the weight of this meal,...
Holy Week: Holy Wednesday

Holy Week: Holy Wednesday

Holy Week: Holy Wednesday Wednesday is the day that some would label into the darkness. As we read in Mark 14, the events that take place this day are all foreshadowing the death of Jesus. They point us towards the Cross. In verses 1-11, we are confronted with two...
Holy Week: Holy Tuesday

Holy Week: Holy Tuesday

Holy Week: Holy Tuesday On this day, in the afternoon, Jesus and His disciples left the city and went to the Mount of Olives. As we read in Mark 13, this is where Jesus has an intentional conversation with His disciples that is meant to explain what will happen in the...