If you follow along on the blog regularly, you’ve probably noticed a pattern in the topics we’ve chosen to write on. You may remember a post from April called “What is Justice.” If you haven’t taken the time to read it, I highly recommend taking a few minutes to do so. This post kicked off a series of dozens of posts seeking to explain the root of injustice and expose its many facets. While our exposition on justice has been challenging and insightful, it has in no way been exhaustive.
The Story of Two Refugee Crises that Break the Mold
For many of us, the modern refugee crisis hit our radar in September 2015 with a viral photo of a little Syrian boy named Alan Kurdi, laying facedown on a beach after trying to escape to Europe with his family. If someone asked me to describe the typical refugee, my mind would immediately go to stories like Alan’s – a Middle Eastern family fleeing violence in search of a better life. But, refugees don’t come in just one shape or size.
Guiding Principles of Fatherhood
It’s April 3rd when I’m writing this. 5 years ago, my earthly father passed away from this life and entered into the unhindered presence of Jesus. I was there by his side, along with my mom and siblings. It was one of the holiest moments of my life.
Strategies for Battles begin with Stillness in God
Have you ever had a struggle or battle in your life that just seemed impossible to see a way through, around or out of?
Pentecost: The Purpose and Call
June 5th is “Pentecost Sunday.” In the church, this day is a celebration of the people of God receiving the spirit of God as Jesus promised. This celebration recognizes the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. We celebrate Pentecost because as followers of Jesus, we too, receive empowerment from the Holy Spirit.
Intentional Remembering
This Memorial Day creates an opportunity for intentional remembering, one that I hope we don’t miss. Perhaps you stop at one of the many beautiful veterans cemeteries in the area to pay your respects. Perhaps you take time to pray for those who have lost a loved one in service, or if you know someone, you reach out. Perhaps you go on a walk and just give yourself a little time of quiet and solitude in remembrance.
I Need to Know There is Justice
Music is one of the few experiences we have in this life that is truly magical. By some miracle, a collection of words and sounds can be combined to utterly transform our mood, our thinking, and overwhelm our soul with emotion. At times, our entire perspective can be altered as we inhabit the thoughts and emotions of another human being through the power of music. “Citizens” by Jon Guerra, I believe, is one of those experiences.
Judas, Jesus and Cancel Culture
One of these things is not like the others. Judas is a betrayer. Cancel Culture is rooted in unforgiveness. And both are antithetical to the way of Jesus.
Injustice In The Heart
Culture is moving fast. Like, a Tesla on an open road kind of fast. Like a mega-rich CEO on his personal rocket kind of fast. Have you noticed?
Housing Justice
To live in Nashville is to understand the rising cost of housing. Long-time residents of Nashville are being displaced through a process called gentrification where the homes or apartments they rent are sold for the purpose of redevelopment, or they can no longer afford to remain in the homes they own due to rising property taxes. These residents lose their homes but also their communities and often their sense of belonging.