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Cross Point Blog

Everyday theology and useful resources; relevant to our church, our city and current culture.

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The Power of a Heavenly Citizenship

The Power of a Heavenly Citizenship

This weekend, parties will be thrown, grills will be full, fireworks will be shot and fun will be had. It is good to celebrate July 4th. It is also good to do so sober mindedly, for the cultural and spiritual forces at work in our land right now are very strong, threatening to pull us apart at the very seams.

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A Reflection on Our Justice Conversation

A Reflection on Our Justice Conversation

If you follow along on the blog regularly, you’ve probably noticed a pattern in the topics we’ve chosen to write on. You may remember a post from April called “What is Justice.” If you haven’t taken the time to read it, I highly recommend taking a few minutes to do so. This post kicked off a series of dozens of posts seeking to explain the root of injustice and expose its many facets. While our exposition on justice has been challenging and insightful, it has in no way been exhaustive.

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Child of God

Child of God

Little Mia is only 7 years old. One afternoon she came running into the house after school. Full of emotion and nearly empty of breath as she ran to her room and closed the door. I have thought a lot about that day with Mia and I see myself in her a lot. Often we can run to isolate ourselves, clam up, or even shut down when things are bad or we are misunderstood. This is the exact moment that God is knocking on the door of our heart longing to sit with us, listen, and care for us.

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Mercy Moves Toward

Mercy Moves Toward

Have you ever re-read or re-watched something that maybe you’ve read or watched several times before, but for whatever reason this recent time, you have an “aha moment” that you’ve never had before? Almost as if you’re reading it for the first time again? Recently, a similar thing happened to me while reading the parable of the Good Samaritan – a passage of scripture in Luke 10 that I’ve read many times before.

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No Whining

No Whining

For YEARS, my mother-in-law wore a button on her clothes that simply said, “no whining.” She was a remarkable woman in many ways; she did not wear that button because she cared about the latest fashion or any potential social repercussions of wearing “flair.” Mimi had a tough journey in life, and she learned early on that whining didn’t help any situation. So if her kids, or her kids’ friends, or her kids’ husbands, or her kids’ kids, or really anybody for that matter began complaining about a particular situation, she would simply tap the button three times and effectively shut down one of the most debilitating and unexamined things humans participate in regularly: whining.

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Recording & Remembering God’s Faithfulness

Recording & Remembering God’s Faithfulness

Right now, at the moment I am writing this, I’m in need of being reminded about God’s faithfulness in my life. This is a moment when I’m uncertain of the future, of what’s coming, of what God has for me, but then I’m reminded of how I got here.

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May We Never Lose Our Wonder

May We Never Lose Our Wonder

When I think of the word wonder I think of a kid walking into Magic Kingdom at Disney World for the first time. Their faces express an overwhelming feeling of awe that this beautiful place they’ve heard about for all this time is actually real. When expectations and reality match, that’s wonder.

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