Cross Point Blog
Everyday theology and useful resources; relevant to our church, our city and current culture.
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Cynicism my old friend,
It’s time we part ways,
You’ve kept me safe for long enough
It’s time I take a risk.
What Do Rivalry and Fear Have To Do With One Another?
Rivalry is defined as “competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field.” I’ve crisscrossed the globe and in every country, city and culture I’ve seen, there is rivalry. Where people are, rivalry is too. But why? Where does rivalry come from?
Welcome Others: Doing Business Christianly
I’ll never forget one conversation I had with a brother from Canada. As we were discussing how the Gospel affects us personally and culturally, he made a statement that has stuck with me ever since. He said, “Josh, there is a major difference between being a Christian businessman and doing business Christianly.” I’ve often reflected on that phrase and I want to suggest 4 ways how doing “business Christianly” is a critical form of hospitality that serves as one of the greatest witnesses to the truth of the Gospel.
How to Disagree Well
Unpopular Opinion: disagreeing well with someone can transform our hearts. It may seem foreign, especially in today’s world, that disagreeing well with someone could actually benefit us and bring honor to God.
Welcome Others: Caring For Orphans
“Do you have an extra seat at your table?” This was the question TN Kids Belong asked, and the one that ultimately led us to become foster parents. I couldn’t unsee the two empty chairs at our table every time we sat down to have a meal.
God in the Mundane
When you read the Christmas story do you ever wonder why it’s so modest? Think about it, the King of Kings, Lord of all creation, Savior of the world, God Himself, is making His first appearance on earth in the flesh, His “debut” so to speak, and He comes as a newborn. Not even a newborn of a family with status, but a newborn to a 15 year old in a small country town that no one was thinking about. But then again, that’s the Kingdom of God, right?
Reflections on the Immersive Van Gogh Experience
Recently I visited the Van Gogh immersive experience in Nashville with my wife Jacelyn. We loved it. Then I went a second time with the team I work with and I loved it all over it again. They were both unique experiences. The externals were the same, but internally I processed the visits very differently.