Cross Point Blog
Everyday theology and useful resources; relevant to our church, our city and current culture.
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Welcome Others: Doing Business Christianly
I’ll never forget one conversation I had with a brother from Canada. As we were discussing how the Gospel affects us personally and culturally, he made a statement that has stuck with me ever since. He said, “Josh, there is a major difference between being a Christian businessman and doing business Christianly.” I’ve often reflected on that phrase and I want to suggest 4 ways how doing “business Christianly” is a critical form of hospitality that serves as one of the greatest witnesses to the truth of the Gospel.
How to Disagree Well
Unpopular Opinion: disagreeing well with someone can transform our hearts. It may seem foreign, especially in today’s world, that disagreeing well with someone could actually benefit us and bring honor to God.
A Reflection on Our Justice Conversation
If you follow along on the blog regularly, you’ve probably noticed a pattern in the topics we’ve chosen to write on. You may remember a post from April called “What is Justice.” If you haven’t taken the time to read it, I highly recommend taking a few minutes to do so. This post kicked off a series of dozens of posts seeking to explain the root of injustice and expose its many facets. While our exposition on justice has been challenging and insightful, it has in no way been exhaustive.
The Story of Two Refugee Crises that Break the Mold
For many of us, the modern refugee crisis hit our radar in September 2015 with a viral photo of a little Syrian boy named Alan Kurdi, laying facedown on a beach after trying to escape to Europe with his family. If someone asked me to describe the typical refugee, my mind would immediately go to stories like Alan’s – a Middle Eastern family fleeing violence in search of a better life. But, refugees don’t come in just one shape or size.
Noormah’s Refugee Story
By the name of our merciful God, who created all the human beings, I am very grateful for my kind, graceful, compassionate God. I am Noormah, I am 25 years old, and I am from Afghanistan.
Kinan’s Refugee Story
My name is Kinan and I’m from Damascus, Syria. I live in Murfreesboro, TN together with my husband and two kids and I teach high school chemistry. My journey to be able to write that last sentence has been so long and hard that sometimes I can’t even believe my own story.
Naseem’s Refugee Story
My name is Naseem and I am 18 years old. I arrived in Nashville, Tennessee back in November 2015. My family came to look for a better place to live, better opportunities to find work, and also to get the best education possible for me and my two other siblings.